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An end to your employee disputes is in sight

All workplaces will need to respond at some stage to employee disputes. These situations can arise from accusations or acts of serious misconduct, or more minor complaints and workplace disputes. Some issues, especially those which involve key members of staff, have the potential of causing serious commercial harm.

From claims of unfair dismissal or discrimination to allegations of harassment or bullying, the issues you are likely to face have likely been dealt with before by the Averist team.

Here's our approach to employee disputes. We clearly map out a process which deals with such workplace issues fairly and effectively – saving what could potentially be huge costs in the long-run.

Pair with screens discussing employee disputes

Investigations into employee disputes

  • Engaging in an objective fact-finding process into the actions of employees

  • Identifying all issues and appropriate lines of inquiry

  • Collecting relevant evidence

  • Interviewing and questioning witnesses and drafting full statements

  • Identifying supporting and conflicting evidence

  • Provision of a comprehensive investigation report

Disciplinary hearings

  • Acting as support or chairing the hearing

  • Appropriate and concentrated questioning

  • Addressing supportive and conflicting evidence

  • A thorough review of the evidence with supported outcomes

  • A comprehensive, reasoned and justifiable written outcome

Grievance Hearings

  • Acting as support or chairing the hearing

  • Appropriate and concentrated questioning, sensitive to the situation

  • A thorough review of the evidence

  • A comprehensive, reasoned and justifiable written outcome

Appeal Hearings

  • Acting as support or chairing the hearing

  • Properly establishing the actual grounds of appeal

  • A thorough review of the evidence

  • A comprehensive, reasoned and justifiable written outcome.

If you could use our advice on ​​employee disputes, get in touch with the Averist team and let's get the conversation started.


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